Tutoring begins as early as September 16th, 2024 and lasts until May 21st, 2025. If you cannot commit to the full school year of tutoring, you can request a start date after September 16th, 2024. From your start date onward, we ask for a weekly commitment of 90 minutes per week.
90 minutes a week is enough to profoundly impact a student. If you need to miss a week of tutoring occasionally, we have you covered! Also, Tutoring Chicago follows the Chicago Public Schools calendar and is closed on most holidays.
Tutors are thoughtfully matched with one student to meet on a weekly basis. Our program staff will help you provide support with academics and social-emotional skills and provide opportunities to engage in mentorship experiences.
Tutors can choose to meet with their student at one of our four in-person locations or tutor digitally via our hosted Zoom sessions.
Our tutors impact, inspire, and empower their student! Volunteer with us today!