Long-term, one-to-one tutoring. Entirely free of charge.
That’s Tutoring Chicago. For nearly 60 years we’ve been connecting economically challenged students with volunteer tutors who care.
Our difference is our approach, which pairs individual 1st through 12th grade students with a single adult volunteer for the duration of the school year. Students receive all the benefits of regular, weekly instruction combined with the advantages of a steady, supportive relationship.
Because as any experienced teacher will tell you, information is only one part of the learning experience. Just as important is a human connection. Trust, confidence, being understood. It all makes a big difference in how much effort a student is willing to put into schoolwork.
It’s this understanding that makes Tutoring Chicago unique. Strong connections make better students. It’s that simple.
“My child has struggled to like school, and Tutoring Chicago has made it easy for them to fall in love with learning.”
“My tutoring sessions always end up being a highlight of my week.”
“I see so much value in the tutoring that I do and get to create a real connection & impact with my student each week. I love watching him learn, grow and succeed.”
About us
For 58 years Tutoring Chicago has dedicated its mission to delivering the power of education to children facing economic barriers through one-to-one tutoring and high-quality programming that is not only academic, but developmental and reflective.
Tutoring Chicago is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered non-profit organization in Illinois.
Our vision is a brighter future for all of Chicago’s children.
Yes, they can! Support our year-end appeal and help every student thrive.Donate Here!